Worship on Sunday - 10a - Meeting at Lutheran High School of SA

18104 Babcock Road San Antonio, TX 78255

Worship with us Online

In addition to our in-person worship service on Sunday mornings at 10a, we are also providing an online worship service option. We encourage you to join us by clicking on the buttons below. You can print the weekly liturgy at home and have it ready to go before you click on the livestream worship service button. Also, we encourage you to share this link and invite others, outside our church, to join us for worship.

June Summer Supper

Over the summer months, in an effort to connect and grow in relationship, Trinity Grace will be hosting "Summer Suppers". These will be dinners comprised of approximately 6 adults (plus children). We will plan to have 3 dinners through the summer months (one for each month of June, July, and August). 

You can sign up to participate in our June offering - and host the dinner - by filling out this form. We'll be in touch at the beginning of June with your June dinner group!

Camp Courage VBS

Camp Courage VBS is June 24-27th this summer from 4:30-6:30 with dinner immediately following. You may register your kids, rising preschool 3 to rising 5th graders.

We are looking for volunteers - adults and youth! If you would like to volunteer your time, we have a job for you. You may register to volunteer on our website.

We'd love to keep you informed on events and news over the coming months. Give us your name and email address to stay in the loop.